Reason for Need of Spot Instance Strategy for DevOps Team

Posted by D2i Team on March 14, 2021

Most DevOps teams make use of the public cloud and focus on reducing cloud costs. Spot instances are one way of dealing with this issue. The pricing model of spot is simple but it is complex at the implementation time. In general, spot instances are how unused capacity will be sold by the cloud providers.

DevOps teams will use the following ways for making good use of spot instances:

  • Automation DevOps teams have a wide range of automation tools and also IaC and cloud auto-scaling tools. These can be used for managing workloads by making clusters.
  • Dev or Test Environment Setting development and testing environments is the responsibility of the DevOps teams as they can handle deep interruptions.
  • CI/CD Jobs You can run jobs on GitLab, Jenkins and more similar tools to scale instances. By chance any instance drops, rerunning a job on another is easy.

AWS Spot Instances

These instances will let you buy unused Amazon EC2 computing power at most discounted prices. When spot instances are offered price at a specified price, it is then launched with Amazon Machine Image at your image. It also offers to mix in instances that are reserved and saving plans.

Azure Spot Instances

Azure offers Spot VMs that give access to unused compute capacity. We can request single or multiple spot VMs using Azure VM Scale Set. The Low Priority VMs feature lets you purchase VMs that are in low demand on Azure at reduced price.

Both Amazon and Azure give powerful capacities for cost savings spot instances. Both AWS and Azure cannot afford to ignore spot instances mainly for low-critical workloads.

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